2012.7至今 williamhill中国官方网站教师
2009.9 - 2012.6 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院理论物理专业学习,获理学博士学位
2005.7 - 2009.7 在中国科学院近代物理研究所工作
2002.9 - 2005.6 兰州大学物理科学与技术学院理论物理专业学习,获理学硕士学位
1998.9 - 2002.7 烟台师范学院物理系学习,获得学士学位
主要研究方向为广义相对论,额外空间维度和膜世界理论。以第一作者在JHEP、Physical Review D、Classical and Quantum Gravity等期刊发表SCI一区和二区论文7篇。
Localization of U(1) gauge vector field on flat branes with five-dimension (asymptotic) AdS_5 spacetime,Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018, Vol.2018, No.5,p. 72
Zhen-Hua Zhao, Qun-Ying,- Xie
New localization method of U(1) gauge vector field on flat branes in (asymptotic) AdS_5 spacetime, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2015, Vol.32, No.3, p.035020
Zhen-Hua Zhao, Qun-Ying Xie, Yuan Zhong
U(1) gauge field localization on a Bloch brane with Chumbes-Holf da Silva-Hott mechanism,Physical Review D, 2014, Vol.90, p.045031
Zhen-Hua Zhao, Yu-Xiao Liu, Yuan Zhong
Effects of temperature on thick branes and the fermion (quasi-)localization,Journal of High Energy Physic, 2011, Vol.06,p.45
Zhen-Hua Zhao, Yu-Xiao Liu, Yong-Qiang Wang,Hai-Tao Li
Fermion localization on asymmetric two-field thick branes
Class. Quant. Grav. 2010, Vol.27, p.185001
Zhen-Hua Zhao, Yu-Xiao Liu, Hai-Tao Li
Effects of the variation of mass on fermion localization and resonances on thick branes, Phys. Rev. D 2010, Vol.82, No.8, p.084030
Zhen-Hua Zhao, Yu-Xiao Liu, Hai-Tao Li, Yong-Qiang Wang
Energy-level shifts of a stationary hydrogen atom in a static external gravitational field with Schwarzschild geometry, Phys. Rev. D 2007, Vol.76, p.064016
Zhen-Hua Zhao, Yu-Xiao Liu, Xi-Guo Li
Gravitational Corrections to the Energy-Levels of a Hydrogen Atom, Commun. Theor. Phys. 2007, Vol.47, p.658
Zhen-Hua Zhao, Yu-Xiao Liu, Xi-Guo Li
2014.01-2016.12 “膜世界理论中宇宙学和物质场局域化的研究” 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,主持。
2013.10-2016.10 “膜世界宇宙学中phi^4模型的应用研究”,山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目,主持。